lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

Blog 2. English IV.

“The Internet: Good or Evil?” Describe how the access to information can affect us today, especially thinking of 12-15 year old children.

No doubt that population using internet is growing up every single day, so we are becoming dependents about it. But, sometimes, there are different ways to use it, so it is very possible that anytime we will visit an unexpected website that we do not want to see, and also it could be dangerous.

For example, sometimes we visit different websites that steal us our personal information, without your consent. So it’s recommended to visit the right sites.

Besides, it depends of your age and also, if you are allowed to visit certain pages. Thinking about 12 to 15 years old children, it’s important to know what they are visiting, because internet is extremely big and open, and when you are 12 or 15 years old, you are just beginning to understand the real world, so it can be very difficult if children get disturbed because of internet websites.

We can’t say if internet is a bad or a good thing, it depends of the view points, because there are sometimes that internet access is absolutely important day by day to answer our doubts and questions of different matters. 

But also, as I said before, it can be a problem when some websites steal your personal information. Anyway, you will ever know who’s behind the screen and how many weird things you can find in the internet.

Finally, is very important to be careful about who we are talking to in social sites as Facebook or Twitter. I would do a special course for giving special strategies to know what we must do in certain moments on the internet.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

Blog 3. English IV.

Social Issues.

-          Social Inequality in Chile.

Themes like education, work, justice and politic discuss on the table of millions of persons, where they know the inequality than they live in a society capitalist. The reason, specifically, the inequality must be or to answer to a serie of problematics where the goverment and politic decisions they not contemplates the social variable and they only see benefits to a certain part of the society, and we know who they are.

Chile has the highest rate of inequality because the transformation of the organic society to find source of wealth by exploting natural resources such as water and his workers. A important problem that affect the continuity day by day are the wages or salaries than receive thousand of workers. That affects other planes like the education for his sons, the opportunities for to get a home in a good place or simply, not have a good or quiet life.

From my point of view, that difference could be improved if who are now in the power lets his own interest involved and begin to solve the problematics that affcet our society. Chile has the main sites and resources and all the extracted to keep in the same hands 200 years ago. So, now, the politic is not important to our society. For example, the politics interventions has lost legitimacy in the workers. The workers now find legitimancy in students movements ans social assemblies. The professors also suffers the inequality and they can see with a critical look much better.

For this we should join and require than the voice of our society are listen for who are in the power. For much better society, we should be part of this, because that affects we all. For our sons in the future and for the progress.

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

My best holiday I've ever had.

My best holiday I’ve ever had was two years ago, exactly in Parral, VII Región del Maule, nearly arriving to Chillán.

First, to I have  holidays, I worked two months in a Supermarket called Lider, where I could to keep the money and in this way I could to feel than I was able for my way. When I finished work, in January, I waited until February for to go. Well, there are two reasons I wanted travel to Parral. The first, my best friend has a family in this city, exactly in Retiro – 45 minutes from the center of Parral – and the second reason is I wanted to know the Séptima Región.

I left Santiago, one monday in the morning, exactly at 8 o’ clock by bus and the time arrived  to Parral was more less five hours. They were waiting for me in the bus terminal, so I just arrived we’re went to buy drink called “chicha” and my friend said “for start the holidays, so far away from Santiago”.

In Parral, day by day was so quiet, but, it doesn’t means is bored. I was a little time in Parral, ‘cause I went more late to Retiro. In Retiro I met the family of my friend, we ate a lot of pizza, with a lot of beers and other more things. The best part was when we’re went to the mountains nearly Parral – two hours more or less, Bullileo, basically – where we’re stayed in a camping with his cousin. The sky at the night was wonderful, I will never forget that moment when we’re climbing the mountain in the morning, and at the night we share the beers under the stars. For me, the little things are those that move the world, sometimes.